I know you didn’t just shit yourself. For heaven’s sake, we just agreed that you were ready to start using big boy undies. You told me you weren’t going to have any accidents! What the hell am I going to do with you?
Oh, fuck! You didn’t even have pants on! It’s all over the hard wood floors! You better get that stinky ass in the bath NOW before I make you eat it here and now!!! A good little boy would have told ABDL mommy he needed to potty. Of course you aren’t a good little boy, what am I thinking? You’ve always gone out of your way just to be destructive and mean. I guess I’ll just have to up my game then huh. Lock you in the crib and strap an adult diaper on you. Maybe even a chastity belt to keep you from tearing it off? I’m sure you’d hate. Having no control over how long you’re stuffed in a soiled diaper! Ugh this is such a Pooptastrophe!
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