Permanent Sissy Baby
Can you imagine how embarrassed you would be if I caught you dressing up like a sissy baby?! Especially if you got so comfortable in your cute little dress, sucking on your paci that you fell asleep, and were still sleeping curled up on the bed when I got home! Well, dear, I can’t act like I never saw you dressed up like that. After this, seeing you in adult clothes will just look silly. I don’t have any choice but to keep you dressed like this. And if you’re dressed like a sissy baby, then I have to treat you like a sissy baby. You will always be in a frilly sissy dress, a thick diaper, a paci to suck on, maybe even a bonnet for your little head! You won’t be able to use the potty ever again, and I will have to change your diaper from now on. Do you need your very own phone sex Mommy? Call me to find out how I would treat you!
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